Sunday, November 6, 2011


In John 14.1-24 Jesus is speaking to His own disciples about Himself and His Father.  It is a special relationship.  Finally Philip says in 14.8, Lord show us the Father and it will be enough for us.  A bit exasperated, Jesus says, Have I been so long with you and yet you have not come to know Me, PhilipHe who has seen Me has seen the Father.
  Jesus is asking Philip to see through Himself to the Father.  Jesus had said,
 I am He who bears witness to Himself and the Father who sent Me bears witness of Me--John 8.18
..if you knew Me you would know My Father--John 8.19
He who sent Me is true and the things which I have heard from Him, these I speak to the world--John 8.26
Then there are other passages: John 8.28, 10.14
  In these passages Jesus is showing the Father to His disciples through His words.  He is giving them glimpses of the enclosure of the Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit.  In John 17.1 Jesus will give an even more intimate glimpse of His love for the Father and the Father's love for the Son:
Father..glorify Thy Son that the Son may glorify Thee, even as Thou gavest Him authority over all mankind, that to all Thou has given Him, He may give them eternal life.
  So we see that the glory the Father gave to the Son, He now has given to us.  God sent Jesus to us that we might come to the Father through the Son.  This is the seeing through by the Holy Spirit which is given to us.  It is a gift which comes with eternal life.  One might say that eternal life enables us to see God just as the pure in heart see God, Matt. 5.8.
  The Wise Men see Jesus, they call Him King of Israel, Matt.2.2.  They're looking at an infant in a manger but by the power of the spirit of prophecy they see a king like David.  When Joseph and Mary bring the baby Jesus to the temple in Luke 2, Simeon looks at the child and says: For my eyes have seen Thy salvation which Thou has prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light of revelation unto the Gentiles and the glory of Thy people Israel.
  Simon and Andrew were fishing when Jesus sees in them that they will be fishers of men, Matt. 4.19.  In John 1.47 Jesus sees Nathaniel saying, Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile.  Nathaniel looks at Jesus, seeing through Him to say, Rabbi, you are the Son of God, you are the King of Israel, John 1.49.  Jesus had said of His own cousin, John the Baptist:  ..and if you accept it, he himself is Elijah who was to come--Matt. 11.14
   But not everyone sees through Jesus to God.  At the time Jesus comes to the temple as a young boy, Mary and Joseph do not realize He must be about His Father's business.  What they saw was their own boy, away from them in Jerusalem for three days.  After Jesus heals a blind man in Luke 9, the blind man knows Jesus is a prophet, 9.17.  The Pharisees, upon questioning the blind man says Jesus cannot be from God because He healed the blind man on the Sabbath, 9.16.  Some there say Jesus is no more than a sinner.  The blind man knows and can see Jesus, the Pharisees turn away as they do not see Jesus as the Son of God.  After the religious leaders reject the man's claim that Jesus restored his sight, Jesus finds the man a second time.  He ask the formerly blind man, Do you believer in the Son of Man?  The man said, Lord I believe.
  This brings us up against Nicodemus in John 3.  As a pharisee Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night, when no one else will see he is there.  He knows certain things about Jesus, as everyone around Jerusalem did.  He says that God must be with Him.  Jesus then answers as if Nicodemus had asked for sight: ..unless one is born anew he cannot see the kingdom of God.  Jesus had come preaching the kingdom of God.  As seeing is from some distance, Nicodemus is out of the kingdom.  Jesus then says concerning stepping int the kingdom, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
  To be born from above (anwthev) means to believe in the One who came down from heaven.  Jesus will say this in John 3.13,15.  Whoever believes in Him will inherit eternal life, John 3.16.  Nicodemus will have to see as everyone has to see that Jesus came down from heaven, that the world should be saved through Him.
  How does Nicodemus go from darkness to seeing?  Jesus says, Everyone who practices the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.  This expression, having been wrought in God, brings us to two verses.  One is that being born anew is all of God--He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, Eph. 1.4.  This is the work of God; our work is 1 John 2.3, And by this we know that we have come to know Hm, if we keep His commandments, and 1 John 2.5, whoever keeps His word in him the love of God has truly been perfected.  By this we know that we are in Him.  It is by the love of God that God will see us.
  How do we experience this seeing through?  Mother Teresa said she sees Jesus in everyone.  That is a simple statement with much in it.  To do this we must forgive, we must receive the Holy Spirit for the power to see, we must humble ourselves as if we were in the presence of God--God seeing us.


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