Thursday, July 26, 2012

 If we look at the picture of God in the gospel of John we see the picture of filling up.  The Father has given to the Son, the Word that the Son came from the Father.  The Son has given that Word to His disciples and they have believed it.  So we might imagine the Father as the master wine merchant pouring new wine into a perfect wineskin.  Then we might imagine the Son taking that wineskin to pour that new wind into the glass of a guest.
  The picture of God is that of unselfish giving, of emptying the wineskin.  In Philippians 2.8 Paul says Jesus did not try to grasp equality with God.  The Son emptied Himself, He poured Himself out of His Godhead into manhood.  Paul says he is poured out as a drink offering in Philippians 2.17 and 2 Timothy 4.6.

We can think of Hebrews 9.14 in which Jesus--through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God.  In the OT Isaiah 8.8 has a passage in which he speaks of the Euphrates River overflowing its' banks--it will rise up over all its' channels and go over all its' banks.  Then the image changes from water in the OT to wings in the NT--and the spread of its' wings will fill the breadth of your land, O Immanuel.  This in Isaiah might remind us of the wings of a dove which appeared when Jesus was baptized in the waters of the Jordan, Matt. 3.16.

  So we have the picture of pouring out from the Father to the Son to the believers.

  But what would be the opposite of this?  It might be selfishness.  Paul says--Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit. Phil. 2.8.  Ezekiel 28.2 describes the king of Tyre as epitomizing this selfishness--
  Because your heart is lifted up
  and you have said, I am a god,
  I sit in the seat of gods,
  in the heart of the seas...
This is the spirit of the father of lies Jesus mentions in John 8.44 as the one who--does not stand n the truth because there is no truth in him.  Did you notice the connection between empty conceit and no truth?  What is being conveyed here is that Satan was not the clear vessel Jesus was.  He did not empty himself, pour himself out or even reflect the light of God's presence.  He took the glory of God which he was reflecting as his own possession (you might say blocking the light) to cast down darkness--his kingdom became darkened, Revelation 16.10.

  Satan tried to be a god without being God--he was a created being; Jesus as God the Son was 'begotten not made.'  The Apostle's Creed puts it as--one being with the Father.  So instead of receiving the Spirit of God as Jesus did, Satan tried to take a kingdom away from God.  Jesus ascended to heaven, Satan was cast down.

  We are called to be clear vessels.  Peter emphasizes the clear aspect of our souls when he writes that we are to be precious stones, 1 Peter 2.6.  These stones, from the crown of David to the heavenly city, are seen when light passes through them; not only is God seen when His presence is in us, but we are seen.  as the precious stones upon which the church is built,we reveal His immanence while He resides in His transcendence.  Jesus seems to summarize this when He says--Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven, Matt. 5.16.

  How can we be what Jesus was, not what the Other Guy was?  Paul seems to answer this at the end of Ephesians 3.  First, Paul says he bows his knee before the Father.  Certainly, Satan is not known for his humility.  Second, Paul asks that we would receive--power through His spirit in the inner man, Eph. 3.16.  And third, Paul says that as we are rooted and grounded in the love of God, Christ would dwell in us so that we would--be filled up to the fulness of God, Eph. 3.19.

  When we humble ourselves before God, we receive His power so that Christ would dwell in our hearts in order that we become filled with God.

Friday, July 20, 2012

We often think that predestination and free will are enemies, like Achilles and Hector battling for the fate of Troy.  However, we might want to consider what the Bible says about destiny and choice.  An example might be 1 Thessalonians 5.1-11.

  The city was named after Thessalonica, the sister of Alexander the Great.  When Alexander's father Philip of Macedon conquered the Thessalonians, his daughter was born on that day.  He named her after them.  When she married Cassander, she rebuilt the city which still stands today.
  The Jews had a synagogue there.  The Jewish community knew the Day of the Lord was coming.  But the other people of the city lived as if life goes on as usual.  Paul here predicts that the Day of the Lord will come on the Thessalonians and--they will not escape, 1 Thes. 5.3

  Paul says the Christians in Thessalonica know this--you yourselves know this full well, 1 Thes. 5.2.  They know what is going to happen beforehand, that the Day of the Lord is predestined.  And yet Paul does not say to stand still, but he calls them to action:
  Let us not sleep as others do,
  let us be alert..
  let us be sober..1 Thes. 5.6.

Paul then says--God has not destined us for wrath but for obtaining salvation...therefore encourage one another and build up one another, as you also are doing, 1Thes. 5.11.  The believers are destined for obtaining salvation but Paul does not say, Rest on your eternal security, my friends.  He encourages them to use their free will to act.

  Probably the reason salvation and action go together is that the world will end.  At some point the times will be too late for evangelism. Salvation is not retirement to the rest home.  Christians don't end the evening playing gin rummy; Christians call upon the Spirit of God to share the gospel because the time is always short for someone.

  At the end of 1 Thes. 5, Paul has 18 consecutive verses of what the Thessalonians should do.  Some of them are well-known--
  rejoice always
  pray without ceasing
  in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God for you
  do not quench the spirit
and there are others.  What this means is that our predestination, our salvation is put to work.  In Ephesians the believers are to--
  walk in a manner worthy of your calling
  show forbearance to one another
  be renewed in the spirit of your mind
  put on the new self
  be kind to one another
  forgiving one another

  These aren't all of what Paul says to do by the dedication of your will to your calling, but they are enough to understand that Paul's concept of predestination is not void.  In Romans 16 the list of what the Christian is called to do with his or her calling is even longer.
  Evidently a believer's calling is the power of the Spirit to live the Christian life.  We can immediately remember the woman caught in adultery of John 8.  When the accusers leave, Jesus says--Go and sin no more.  Would He say that if she could not do so?  In Matthew 6.1 Jesus says--Beware of practicing your righteousness before men...  So we see there is the practice of righteousness.  After Jesus says this He mentions fasting, praying, giving alms, forgiving, laying up treasure in heaven, serving God, trusting God without anxiety, seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness.  Then in chapter 7 He says, don't judge, ask in prayer, enter the narrow gate, beware of false prophets, do the will of God, and finally, act upon His words.

Predestination is a call to action as free will is a call to the knowledge of God.  The difference is the man who hears--predestination-- and the man who hears and then acts--predestination and free will.  To the Ephesians Paul is praying that they would know--
  What is the hope of His calling...
of the saints, Eph. 1.18.  This calling is not to rest in salvation but to act upon it.  So in Matt. 25 Jesus says He will come back in glory.  He will put His sheep on His right hand, the goats on His left.  This had been predicted by Jesus.  The sheep were predestined for the kingdom of heaven, as it was--prepared for you from before the foundation of the world.  They were predestined so that exercising free will to take care of the least of Jesus' brothers is what Peter calls--make certain about His calling and choosing you..  2 Peter 1.10.

  Paul says this to the Galatians--
  For you have been called to freedom, brethren, only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another, Galatians 5.13.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Ministers today often know more about Calvin or Wesley or Aquinas than we do Jesus, who is the shepherd and bishop of souls.  These other men died, so we can forget them when we want but Jesus says, I stand at the door and knock, Rev. 3.20.  Catholics prefer a pope, Protestants treat the Bible as if it were philosophy, Pentecostals seek spiritual gifts.  In His day, Jews searched for a sign while Greeks sought wisdom.  But who welcomes Jesus?
  He was not like one of us, yet He was among us.  He was tempted by Satan and demons, we are demonized by cookies.  His food and drink was to do the will of the Father, ours is to have the most toys.  He fasted and prayed, we want fast cars and quick answers.  He spoke, we text.  He knew what was in man, we know what's in our pockets.  He knew who He was and where He was going, we have psychologists.
  We push Him away, yet we know in an underslung way we are excavated souls.  Our own emotions drive us to depression.  Our ambition drives us to immorality.  Our emptiness gnaws at us like worms in a grave, our drinking drenches us in dissolution, drugs scatter us senseless.  If any of these things worked even once, we could put them away...but they don't.
  According to John, the beginning was the Word.  Then that Word was light and then that Word became flesh.  That flesh showed glory, which the people of that day saw.  Once John brought Jesus into the Jordan, there would be no turning back.  God had come.  As Jesus of Nazareth, He asks us to come and you will see, John 1.39. 
  The Jews saw Him first.  A Jewish ruler came to Jesus at night.  Nicodemus was not a religious man but he knew Jewish law.  He knew there was something about Jesus.  But then Jesus said something radical.  He said a man had to have God in him, that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God, John 3.21.  Nicodemus would not see the kingdom of heaven until God was in him.
  Paul came to meet Jesus later than John.  On a road Paul saw the light written about in John 1.4, he heard the voice Moses heard.  By the time Paul regained his sight, he knew Jesus was the Son of God, Acts 9.4.  John had written, as many as received him, He gave the right to be sons of God, even to those who believe in His name.  Understanding this, Paul wrote that all who are being led by the Spirit, these are the sons of God, Romans 8.14.  John said if we are sons of God, we shall be like Him because we shall see Him as He is, 1 John 3.2.
 This is the soft invasion of God.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


The NT often uses the expression, in Him.  But who is He?
  For most of us, Jesus is a foreigner.  He was a Jew, probably with black eyes, black hair, sunburned olive skin.  As a man of His day He probably was 5 1/2 feet tall.  He could walk for miles.  He was a carpenter's son from the tribe of Judah living in a small town, known by His neighbors and family.  He read the Hebrew Scriptures.  He had no credit card, no formal education, no car, no home or family or career as we do but He did live in the tradition of Jewish wisdom.  He grew in stature with God and man, but His soul did not change as we often do.  He did not leave relationships, He did not die or decay or change as the earth does, the stars, rocks, trees, birds or time itself.
  His cousin John saw water drip off His face at His baptism.  The lame, crippled, blind and dumb lay at His feet. A woman known as a sinner washed those feet.  Children felt the touch of His hands and heard His voice.  His disciples saw Him sit around a fire, teaching in a room, leaning at a table.  They saw His fingerprints, His eyebrows, they heard Him laugh and tell a joke and wash His face.  They saw Him eat fish, and sip soup and talk about God.  The disciples lifted up their eyes to see no one but Him.  Lepers felt His embrace.  Religious leaders heard the accent in His voice.  His friends heard Him cry.  He rebuked His own mother. He took a beating without protest.  He died a violent death by crucifixion, the punishment for insurrectionists and rebels.  Soldiers tore at His robe, His disciples scattered, His mother went to live with a close friend.
  After He ascended into heaven, some traditions had difficulty with Jesus as God so they looked for signs of His humanity long after His life.  They sought a relic,a robe, a chalice, a crypt.  Some traditions had difficulty with Jesus being a man, so they sought His divinity in miracles, signs, wonders, visions.  He is still a stranger today.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


We've seen the spiritual life is God choosing us, God's coming to us and our receiving His Spirit.  Are we aware of this?  Our is our activity and religious knowledge and desire to escape a fallen world nothing but flattening the world?
  It may be no wonder Paul prays that the eyes of our heart may be enlightened.  Jesus warned that--the lamp of the body is the eye; if your eye is clear your whole body will be full of light.
  Elisha prayed God would open the eyes of his servant to see--the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.  We don't always see the angels and Spirit of God surrounding us, so we pray.
  In John 12 Jesus is heading toward His crucifixion.  He tells a multitude that He will not be with them much longer.  He says--While you have the light believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.  Jesus is preparing His disciples for the time when they will no longer be followers but sons.  Through the Spirit they will be to Jesus what Jesus was at that time to His Father.  He was the Son of God, they will be sons of light.
  Jesus then gives in a few words the method of spirituality.  When the crowd mumbled and gossiped about Him, Jesus cried out over their entangling voices--He who believes in Me does not believe in Me but in Him who sent Me.  It is as if the belief rose to heaven, straight from the Father. We can just about see the outlines of the ascension.  The disciples believe in Jesus; their belief ascends to the Father because Jesus as the Son of God goes to the Father.
  In the next verse Jesus says the same thing, intensifying His thought--And he who beholds Me beholds the One who sent Me.  I have come as light into the world that everyone who believes in Me may not remain in darkness.
  What Jesus did, the disciples will do.  They will speak the word of God, they will heal, they will show the love of God, they will live in the fellowship of the Spirit when it is given at Pentecost.  Jesus summarizes this 'passing along the baton' when He says--For I have given you an example that you also should do as I did to you.
  He then washes the feet of the disciples.  In chapter 14 Jesus elaborates on what He's been saying.  First, He tells Philip--If you've seen Me you've seen the Father.  Then He tells all the disciples of the power they will receive from Him--if you ask anything in My name, I will do it.
  Finally in John 15 Jesus speaks the culmination of what He has been saying.  For the last 3 chapters He has been pencilling in what it means to be in Christ.  The Father sends the Son, so Jesus sends His disciples; the Father gives Jesus glory so Jesus gives glory to His followers.  And as Jesus will ascend to heaven,so will we--Abide in Me, and I in you.
  The entire chapter 15 is the unity of the believer in Christ.  When we have tried to see the union with Christ from the outside, we notice the grafting in, the putting on of Christ, the covering, and theological terms like sanctification.  But when we read the Scriptures depending on the Holy Spirit to lead us in the way of union with Christ, He does.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


We've seen in Ephesians the great spirituality of God choosing us even before the foundations of the world.  Now let's look at what God has done in and for us here.
  We know from Paul we have been called and chosen; we have been justified and sanctified; and finally redeemed.  Do we have any way to think of these spiritually rare acts of God?
  Let's begin with Moses.  He was called by God out in the wilderness to lead Israel out of Egypt and into the kingdom of God.  He didn't always want to be called but he was.  When we think of being chosen we can think of Isaac or Jacob.  Jacob was the younger brother, but chosen by God even to the point of having his name changed to Israel.  When we think of being justified we can think of David.  He said in his prayer of 2 Sam. 7.8 God had acted according to God's own heart and word.  When we think of standing before the Lord, we can think of Isaiah 6.1, where Isaiah saw God's train fill the temple.
  These are men whose lives reveal the acts of God in being chosen, called, justified and sanctified to stand before the Lord.  And now, what about us?  We've seen that the spirituality described in Ephesians 1.22 always finds its purpose in the church.  In 1 Peter 2.4 the apostle gives us an image we can contemplate.  He says--And coming to Him as a living stone...choice and precious in the sight of also as living stones are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
  What this means is the Word of God has been building a picture of our souls in Christ, from Genesis to the NT.  These pictures are for us to contemplate.  When we look at a stained-glass pictures in churches, we see the light coming through them to illuminate scenes from the Bible.  As clear stones, our souls have a strength yet they are transparent, clear.
  That Peter calls us clear stones, living stones means that God's presence is in us, through Christ.  Being close to God is having Jesus seen in us.  He tells the Samaritan woman that God wishes to be worshiped--neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem, John 4.21.  Where her soul is, the Spirit of God is.  She might not have been seeking God, but God found her.  Can we seek God and find Him?
  David was in the wilderness of Judah when he said--I shall earnestly seek soul thirsts for Thee...  Psalm 119 says those who seek for God are blessed.  Isaiah says in Is.55.6 to seek Him.  Jesus, in Matt. 6.3, Luke 11.10 said to--Seek ye first the kingdom of God...and he who seeks finds.
  Some have gone out into the desert because the emptiness of the desert corresponds to the emptiness of their souls.  Some have withdrawn in an attempt to wall off the world.  Some have filled their minds with Scripture, some have filled their lives with activity.
  But when we seek God, at the center of that seeking is God coming to us.  The Pharisees say--Who are You?
  God said--This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.
  Peter said--Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
  At the heart of Christian spirituality are two questions:  Who do you say that I am?  Do you love Me?

Saturday, December 10, 2011


When Christians have thought about the spiritual life, we have thought it to be one of moderating our emotions or developing our knowledge.  In the middle ages, spirituality was a human trait in response to God.  That trait might have been to be silent, to fast, to manage rituals, or to help others.  In the Reformation, spirituality was the knowledge of God.
  What we notice about the spiritual life is that it is the life of God in us.  As Richard Hooker said, The cause of life spiritual in us is Christ, not carnally or corporally inhabiting, but dwelling in the soul of man.  Normally we call that union with Christ.  Yet, Jesus says--Where I am you cannot come.  He may have been referring to the cross, certainly we cannot go there.  But can we exert ourselves to be like Him?
  To the Ephesians Paul writes about what was before time:
  He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameless before Him.  In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself according to the kind intention of His will to the praise of the glory of His grace--Eph. 1.4ff
  Now all of that happened before the foundation of the world; there was no place, no act, no object to see.  We cannot appropriate it in any way but to ask for the Holy Spirit.  Our spiritual life begins when se start as we are, seeking a way to receive such glorious insight as told by Paul.  We are not seeking a transaction, a rite, or a duty but a presence.
  We ask--Who am I?  We are chosen before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless
  We ask--What is my purpose in life?  We are to be adopted as sons and daughters through Christ
  We ask--What does life mean?  We are to the praise of the glory of his grace.
  To comprehend that we were chosen; to comprehend gthat we were chosen by God before time and space; to comprehend that were were chosen before God--now this can be received by the Holy Spirit.
  To believe that we are not vagrant souls adrift; to believe that we are adopted by God; to believe that we are sons and daughters through the Son of God--now this takes nothing less than faith.  Yet faith is not a slight wishing, but the desire that the invisibility of God would withdraw like a wave falling from a slanted shore.  In our desire to see God is God's desire to be known by us.
  How do we bring such contemplation into our souls?  Paul prays that--a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him...that you may know what is the hope of His calling in the saints and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe--Eph 1.17.  Now that's a prayer.  A spirit of wisdom and revelation.  The knowledge of Him.  The hope of His calling of us.  All of these things Paul wishes us to comprehend through a--spirit of wisdom and revelation.  Paul finishes the chapter by saying all of this is revealed in the church, Christ's body.  We can imagine what it means that this happens in Christ's body by the thought that the revelation of Him is within Him.  It is as if we were in a room of a church admiring the paintings on the walls.  It is in Him that the revelation of Him comes, and through Him we see ourselves as His image.
  Teh spiritual life is the act of receiving.  An interesting passage is Luke 8.46-48.  A woman touches Jesus--for I was aware that power had gone out of Me.  The woman then, knowing she was known by Him, falls down before him.  When the power went out of Him, here is the--surpassing greatness of the power to us who believe--when she came to Him for healing, here is the knowledge--that you may know what is the hope of His calling--here is the faith as she--declared in the presence of all the people the reason why she had touched Him.
  Through her faith she has received.  Her faith was her desire to see God and be seen by Him.  For this Job cried out(Job30.26); for this Mses stuttered(Exodus 4.10); for this the Greeks sought Him(John 12.20); for this Paul was chosen(Acts 9.15); for this we receive by faith to enter His presence.